FAQ and Troubleshooting

Frequently Asked Questions

How are NULL fields handled in the response?

NULL results which are part of a response element are not returned. Certain fields are mandatory, you can see which in the API Endpoints page.

ISIN is available in transactions and holdings endpoints. How should I know which asset is in the response if the custodian sends a CUSIP, SEDOL or Valoren?

We recommend clients maintain a mapping table of assetId to the asset security (ie asset) object on their relevant software. This will require updating when a new asset is transacted or hel

What if I have an error message that I cannot resolve?

Raise a Sesame support ticket by emailing support@landytech.com. Please provide details of the request made.

What if I have a query about the data returned in the response, or the data does not reflect what is in my bank statement?

Raise a Sesame support ticket by emailing support@landytech.com. Please provide details of the request made and the discrepancy.

Do you separate different asset types between endpoints?

No. For example, all positions (regardless of the underlying asset type) are found in the holdings endpoint. Similarly, all transactions (regardless of the underlying asset type) are all found in the transactions endpoint.

How are cash transactions and positions treated?

Like any other asset or liability, different currencies have their own assetIds. In the subportfolioholdings endpoint, you can rely on the localCurrency field to inform which currency the balance is in.

Can I make changes to the transaction subtype, amount, etc in the API data?

Changes to the output data is not supported as all data must respect our data integrity protocols. If you have a concern you would like to discuss, please raise a Sesame support ticket by emailing support@landytech.com.

How does Sub Portfolio Holdings differ from Holdings?

For a given date, Sub Portfolio Holdings provides multiple cash balances of per currency per entity, where these have been received from the custodian. In holdings, these are aggregated in a single balance. The field subPortfolioCode must be distinct between different balances for this to be relevant for a custodian. This field can also be referred to as broker code or broke account code, and is unique to each sub classification of cash (classification is usually based on intention).

How do you handle transactions which are reversals of previous transactions?

In the transaction endpoint, the reversal field will indicate if a transaction is a reversal. Where true, the directions of fields like amount and movementRc will be opposite to those from the original transaction. Where possible, the description will help link the reversal and original transactions.

Last updated