
The holdings endpoint contains the holdings (or positions) of your entities. For each date where holdings are received from a custodian, data will be available in the holdings endpoint once standardised through the data processing layer. Requests are made using the entityId parameter, which is mandatory.

For the full list of parameters accepted as well as which are required, see Parameters below. To view Sample response data, expand the menu under Responses and refer to the Example tab. To see the format of the response fields, as well as which are mandatory (that is, always returned in the response), select the tab Schema, and then expand object followed by content and finally object once more.

Request and Response

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The format of all Sesame Custodial Data APIs is the same. The user is required to provide their account UUID and token in the authorisation, and then make a GET request to the holdings endpoint, specifying the entityId of the entity being requested. In the response, the results of shown per holding, which is an asset held on a date. All results within that JSON level (for example, quantity, unit price) pertain to that holding.

Last updated